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Interior home maintenance – tips 1 and 2

Interior home maintenance – tips 1 and 2

There are tips that we already know, but that we fail to practice, and then there are those we have never even heard of.

Here are two valuable tips that may solve some of your problems.

Tip 1 – To keep your drains clear

Nobody likes unclogging a sink or a washbasin. Therefore using a strainer placed like a stopper in sinks, washbasins or showers is perfect to prevent food residue, hair and soap residue from getting lodged where it shouldn’t be.

Also, in the kitchen, beware of cooking fat which, in contact with cold water, will contract. Don’t pour it down your drain, but let it set and then get rid of it in the compost or the trash.


The CMMTQ recommends repeating the following recipe every week: mix 1 cup of baking soda, 1 cup of salt and ½ cup of white vinegar, then pour ¼ of the preparation into the water drain. Leave for a few minutes and add 1 cup of boiling water.

Tip 2 – To avoid corrosion of the pipes under the sink

Did you know that all the products that you store under the sink – just to have them on hand – can be a source of corrosion and cause breakage of your pipes?

According to the Corporation of Master Pipe Mechanics of Quebec (CMMTQ) and the Régie du bâtiment du Québec, the simple fact of being in contact with the vapors of chemical products such as chlorine, sulfur and hydrochloric acid which are present in detergents, as well as soaps and scouring products, can affect the coating of flexible hoses.  These are the small pipes covered with a braided stainless steel sheath that supply faucets in sinks, lavatories and toilets.

Therefore, any product called “corrosive” or that is suggested to be stored in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place should definitely not end up under the sink.

In closing, many manufacturers suggest changing these pipes every five years to avoid damage.

Jackie Beaudoin, Leclerc Insurance and Financial Services
Source :  Protégez-vous (special booklet for subscribers)